Letters from troubled teens that have been answerd by Thursday's Child

Dear Minerva,

I am so scared. I have been through stuff during my life, and I have always bottled it up. I don't trust anyone and I feel so alone. I have tried to deal with things in a variety of ways. Some, like those you have been through, and others, like self-mutilation. No one has actually noticed that I do this and I want to keep it that way. I was about to runaway and probably take my own life, (I am still seriously thinking about it), when I saw something about this site on the Holly Marie Combs Official Web Page. She is my all time hero. When I read about how she supports Thursday's Child, I decided to give it a look before making any life changing decisions. So, that's what I'm doing. I am all together on the outside, but I'm falling apart on the inside. I have been abused in various ways, I have been depressed most of my life, and I have many suppressed secrets that torment me. I have attempted suicide before and if things don't get better, I'm scared I may try again and possibly succeed. Now I'm on the verge of running away or worse. All I want is one person, who doesn't know me personally, to just listen and talk with me without being judgmental. I lay in bed at night, crying, and falling apart inside. I so often wish, that for just a brief second, someone would take me in their arms, hold me tight, and tell me that everything will be ok, and that they are there for me. I for one moment, want to feel loved, needed, and thought of. I for once, would like my cries to be heard and for someone to help me up when I fall. I want just one person to say, "I need you." I have written so many things in my life, and I have also written to many celebrities. I have tried so hard to write to Holly Marie Combs, only to never hear a reply. I'm glad that you have the heart to help others. I'm sorry if this is really long, but it is only a fraction of what is bothering me, and only a small insight into my fears. I hope you do find time to respond, it's the only thing I'm waiting for. I hope that there is a possibility that you can talk with me. Thank You for Your Time! -Scared and Alone-


I'm sorry to hear you have had things so rough in life. Life can really be unfair sometimes. Most people are not very observant of other people's needs. I don't know about actors or actresses as a whole. Most are pretty much self-involved unless they have something that awakens them to other people's needs, much like everyone else. Everyone needs to be held and I think we suffer a lot when that doesn't happen, whether we are 17 or seventy. Infants in Eastern Bloc orphanages who had no mothers or anyone to hold them grew up almost autistic with very few exceptions.

Please don't do anything to harm yourself anymore. You can write Minerva or me or you can feel free to phone me at least on our hotline (888) DAY5CHILD anytime you feel the need. I am here a lot of the time. Don't feel that you are alone or not cared about. We don't make any money at this. I have never been paid for the years I have worked with/for Thursday's Child. I do it because I care. As for your wish, the best I can do from here is to hold on to the thought of you. Be brave and be well.

Dear Hunter

The Situation: Well i live with my grandfather because my mother is a alcoholic and drug addict and my dad is not in my life (she had me when she was 15). I am 15 years old and I am pregnant but I was a model until I was 13 then i gained a lot of weight from depression and could no longer model then i lost all the weight meet a guy 25 and he got me pregnant then ran off! My uncle sexually molested me when i was eleven and i was sexually abuse when I was 13 but i never told anyone! When i was 5 years old my mother sold me to a guy next door for drugs so I moved in with my dads mother and moved out a year later to move in wit my aunt then her husband sexual did thing to me and i moved out, then moved in with my grand father and since then i have been caught in drugs alcohol and have been sexually active including for money! It hard i have ran away twice and tried to commit suicide more times than I can think! But i don't know where my life's headed for!

The Wish: My wish really is quite simple I would like to talk to Holly Marie Combs, she my favorite actress on tv and i also think she could some what relate to my life and i would love to know how to make my way to the top and become an actress! But if Holly is not possible and female actress would be ok! and if that is impossible i would just like someone to talk to any one just to be my true friend!!


First, I was wondering how far along you are? Second, never just run away. Always have a place to run to in mind, like a runaway shelter or a friend. I'm not too clear on what you mean that your mother sold you to the guy next door. You mean for sex or just outright sold you and what happened then? Committing suicide isn't the answer. But what's going on right now?

Dear Hunter,

Well you asked how far along I'm and I'm 6 weeks along in my pregnancy and I have disease called Pelvic Inflammation Disease which causes the baby to be developed in the tubes, and my grandfather wants me to get an abortion but I just don't fell right about that and my best friend doesn't wont me to have one ether but my grandfather says if I don't he will put me up for adoption. But I have a question If I was to run away I don't really have any where to go and if I go to a shelter wont they just send me home? And to be clear about the thing with my mom she sold me sexually to the guy next door a couple times. I remember those times like they were yesterday. Then I finally got tired of it so I called my aunt and grandmother to come get me! I know suicide is not the answer but it has always seemed like the answer. And right now I'm trying to quit doing weed and Heroin and I sometimes go off with my buddies and get drunk. But I wish I wasn't the way I was I have a lot of anger problems such as punching holes in my doors and walls. I sometimes sneak out my house just to get away from things and one time I even jumped out my two story high bedroom window just to get out and do drugs but instead I broke my cheek bone and got the shit beat out of me by my grandfather. Please Please keep this confidential!Thanx


I think that your grandfather is right. A tubal pregnancy is very dangerous to both the mother and the baby. Wait until you're ready for a child you can raise. I'm sorry about the other things. Stay away from heroin especially. It's nothing but bad. Hunter


well my moms an alcoholic, you could say i have always known. She set her best friend and drinking buddy up with a guy from her work and one night she got so drunk and the guy raped my mom while she was at her friends, we called the cops, told her friend and she said she would kick him out but she didnt and the guy started beating my moms friend and she still never kicked him out. The cops were always at her friend's and her son, my ex was the one to call the cops on him for beating her. One night my dad herd the car going in the garage and found my mom in there knocked out luckily my dad found her or she would have succeeded in killing herself, we put her away and she was soooo depressed there when she got out she went right back to drinking and her and my dad grew to hate each other as they do now. My mom again tried to kill herself with an overdose of sleeping pills but before she did, so she called her mom and her sister at like 3 a.m. and they were on there way to our house when the phone rang and my dad answered it to find my uncle on the phone and told him my moms sister is on her way over because she is going to kill herself. My dad found my mom on the floor well on her way to death and while my dad called the cops i had to keep my mom from falling which was very hard because i new if she fell asleep she wont wake up. The cops came and again put her away but this time when she got out she moved to Florida and did not tell anyone she went with another girl and a guy she met at a bar, I only talked to her say once a week then and she still was drinking because she called me up drunk a few times. I used my animals to cope with what was happening and i have way more then Holly Marie Combs has not counting fish and they all live inside. I also used Holly's t.v. show charmed to block out the world I have even watched 14 hours strait of it because i record it. But now my mom is back after 6 mos. in Florida and living with the guy she went to Florida with and she is still married to my dad. I hate my mom and I don't know what i should do weather i should still let her be apart of my life or not. when i was about 9-10 years i used to threaten to kill myself because i couldn't listen to my parents fighting and my mom always falling down drunk and hurtin herself like the time she fell down the stars and broke her ribs and many other times she has needed stitches. Most of this happened when i was younger but now i am in 9th grade and i still don't know what to do. you can say i have come to cope the fact that i don't have the rockwellian portrait, the house, the two car garage, the whit picket fence, the golden retriever, and the doting mom and dad. I use holly m combs to also tune out the world I have pictures of her in picture frames all over my room I guess you could say I envy her. So please help me what should i do and how do i move on with my life after something like this and this isn't even the whole story but all i know is my mom has been an alcoholic for as long as I can remember so please give me some answers and I will tell you the rest some other time. Thank you sooooo much


It's a shame that you mom has the problem that she does, but only she can help herself out of it. People who drink generally don't like their lives very much and they seem to want to drag others down with them. Sounds like the guy who you say raped your mom just took advantage of her being drunk or passed out and that's what happens when you give up control. I think you should move on with your life and if you can encourage your mom to check herself into a program somewhere and attend AA. She's not much of a mother to you now. Maybe she can be someday, but she needs to admit that she has a problem and realize that she can't handle it on her own and needs professional help. Best, Hunter.